Depression Therapy


Therapy to treat depression in Chiang Mai, Thailand

At the Chiang Mai Wellness Centre, we offer therapy to treat depression that is focused on individual needs through exploring and resolving the causes of depression. You will be guided in a new way to understand your life and learn all the tools you need.

What Is Depression?

What is depression?

The most common symptoms of depression are a low mood, lack of interest in doing the things that one normally feel interesting, decreased appetite, lack of sex drive, negative outlook on the future and difficulty sleeping.  A person experiencing an episode of depression might feel that life has no purpose.

Most people experience depression of one form or another over the course of their lives.  The treatment for depression will depend upon it’s type and underlying causes.

Types of depression

Clinically speaking, depression is characterized according to the severity and duration of the symptoms.

Reactive depression refers to depression which is caused in reaction to something that has happened.  Loss is a common cause of reactive depression.  The loss of a job, a relationship or a loved one are common triggers that can result in a period of reactive depression.

It is normal to experience a natural period of grief after experiencing a loss.  Therapy for reactive depression supports the person in processing emotions and integrating life learnings through counseling and inner work.

Mild depression refers to a depressive episode in which the symptoms resolve within three months.  With moderate depression, symptoms lasts between three to six months and in the case of chronic depression the symptoms can last for more than six months.

Chronic depression might lead to permanent personality changes if the causes and unresolved emotions are not addressed properly in therapy.  In treating chronic depression, a primary goal is to change the client’s image of themselves as being a “depressed person”.

Bipolar depression is a psychiatric term to describe a person who experiences extreme highs and lows in their emotional state. Bipolar depressed is believed to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, although there is yet to be any concrete scientific proof of this theory.

It is certainly normal to experience emotional highs and low, that change in intensity from person to person.  It might be understood that through learning how to relate to oneself and our emotional lives leads to the confident to go through every emotion and experience less turbulence in our lives.

Treating depression

Treatment for depression aims to uncover the causes of the depression and to resolve them through a combination of emotional education and inner work.

Fundamentally, the causes of depression can be divided into three core aspects:

1. The past

Repressed emotions from past events that have not been successfully processed in the client’s mind.

2. The present

Internal conflict between aspects of the person’s psyche.

Relationship problems.

Life choices that are not in alignment with values or the fulfillment of personal needs.

3. The future

Fear and insecurities about the future.

Anxiety arising from improper planning to fulfill personal needs.

Understanding emotions

Proper treatment for depression focuses on the resources needed to understand and resolve emotional challenges.

Emotions might be explored as signals generated by aspects of the  psyche that communicate.  Learning how to relate to the inner world is fundamental to effective therapy to resolve depression, in place of pushing emotions away through alcohol, drugs and medication.

It is common for people suffering from depression to simply feel depressed about feeling depressed.  Therapy might also explore depression from the perspective of helping clients to understand the higher meaning behind all of life challenges – including depression itself.

Framing depression within a higher life context, developing in inner awareness as to it’s causes, resolving and letting go of old emotions and coming to a deeper understanding of one’s values and needs provides a framework that has helped many people to not only heal depression, but to grow through it as well.

Take The Next Step Today

Therapy sessions available at the clinic in Chiang Mai or online.


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About Nicholas Harris

Nicholas Harris is a Full Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis and an 8th Generation Reiki Master / Teacher.

Over the last 16 years, he has helped thousands of clients with the art of personal change. The focus of Nick’s work is the use of consciousness for healing. Nick teaches “The Path of Inner Relationship”, a fresh way to heal negative emotion.

Nick views life as a reflection of the mind and challenges as opportunities for learning and growth. He helps his clients find happiness by mastering emotion.

Working internationally, Nick is the owner of the Chiang Mai Wellness Centre and consults for Chiva Som, a world-class healing resort in southern Thailand.

Nick currently works for The Chiang Mai Wellness Centre. You can read client reviews of this work here.

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